The Swan and Crow Companionship

We have brought you here one of the best moral bedtime stories of RBTS (Read Bedtime Story) collection named as “The Swan and Crow Companionship” for your kids.

you can read this bedtime story to your children as moral story or bird story at sleeping time………..

A beautiful swan lived in a tree. He was friendly to all the birds living in that tree. He enjoyed helping them in all their work.

One day, a crow came to live in that tree. “Do not make friends with this crow,” said a friend, trying to warn the swan. “You had better be careful.”

“Ah! What are you afraid of?” said the swan, ignoring the warning.

“All right,” said the friend. “You are free to do as you like. I don’t have time to argue with you. I have a lot of work to do.”

The swan went to the crow and said, “My dear crow, you have just come to live here. If you need anything, please come to me.” Then turning his long neck gracefully towards a branch, he said, “There… I live on that branch.”

In this way, the swan and the crow became friends with one’s equals.

One day, a bird said to the swan that, there is no comparison between you and the crow. You are as white as milk and the crow is so black! Look, how handsome you are! And the crow… so ugly.

You love peace and the crow is so noisy!”

The swan smiled and said, “One is known by the company one keeps. The crow will soon improve his nature in my company. Remember, always try to see the good qualities in others.”

“Oh, my dear!” said the bird friend, a little disappointed.

“Show me at least one good quality in the crow.”

The swan said, “The cuckoo stealthily leaves her egg in the crow’s nest.

Yet Mother crow hatches them! And Father crow looks after the babies!

He doesn’t allow anyone to come near the fledglings. If someone even tries to do so, the crow starts cawing loudly, pecks him with his beak and scares him away.”

Soon the swan and the crow became the best of friends. They were always seen together. They spent their time flying here and there or talking to each other. They enjoyed themselves together.

One day, the swan was sitting on a branch of the tree. It was a hot summer afternoon. Suddenly, a tired Traveller came to the tree. “Ah! The cool shade of a tree!” he said, as he lay himself down under the tree. Soon he was fast asleep in the cool shade of the tree.

As the sun began to move westward, the rays of the sun fell on the Traveller’s face. When the swan noticed this, he felt pity for the tired Traveller. At once, he spread his big white wings over the traveler’s face to protect him from the scorching heat.

After some time, the traveler woke up. He stretched himself and yawned.

The crow was perched next to the swan. He shed his droppings on the traveler’s face and then quickly flew away and sat on another branch.

The traveler looked up. He saw the swan sitting on a branch with his wings spread wide! The traveler took a stone and hurled it at the swan.

Poor swan! He was so badly wounded that he fell off the branch with a thud.

The crow who was sitting on another branch flew away, cawing loudly.

Moral of the Bedtime Story “The Swan and Crow Companionship”

  1. Every person is different from each other, first know the nature of the person then act accordingly.
  2. Companionship of bad person can harm you directly as well as indirectly.

Now, you have read this online bedtime story of “Companionship of bad person”. this story is free of cost for your toddlers. kindly share your thoughts about this story in the comment section and share it with your friends online.


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