Four Friends in Wild Forest

RBTS brought here one the best adventurous bedtime stories of our collection for your kids named as “Four Friends in Wild Forest”. Tell this story to your toddlers for free online at the time of sleeping…………

A crow lived in a tree in a wild forest famously known as Tongass Forest. One day, the crow was sitting on a branch when he noticed a hunter spreading his net. He also scattered some grains to lure birds. The hunter quickly hide himself behind a tree.

After some time, a flock of pigeons flew down near the net. As they were about to eat the grains, the crow warned them saying, “Do not go there. A hunter has spread his net.”

But the pigeons did not listen to him and they were all caught in the net.

The hunter was delighted. As he walked towards the net, all the pigeons flapped their wings and began to fly together.

The pigeons flew high up in the sky along with the net. The crow also flew behind them.

The pigeons flew until they reached the hole where their friend, the mouse, lived.

The flew down and called out to the mouse. “O mouse, please help us,” cried the pigeons. With impressive speed and precision, the mouse emerged from its hole and skillfully gnawed through the net using its razor-sharp teeth. All the pigeons were free. They flapped their wings happily and flew away, thanking the mouse.

The crow, who was watching all this, said to himself, “Ah! This is real friendship. Let me also make friends with this mouse.”

The crow went near the mouse’s hole and cried, “O mouse! Please come out. I want to make friends with you.”

When the mouse heard the crow’s voice, he was frightened. He hid himself deep into the hole.

“I saw how you freed the pigeons,” said the crow. “If you don’t want to come out. You can at least answer me from inside.”

The mouse said, “We are archenemies. How can there ever be friendship between a crow and a mouse?”

“All right. I give you the promise of your safety. Will you then be my friend?” asked the crow.

The mouse replied, “I still do not trust you. I have no faith in your promise of safety.”

The crow would not give up easily. He said, “If you don’t trust me, don’t come out of the hole. You can stay inside and talk to me.”

The mouse thought, “This crow seems to be honest. He means what he says.”

“All right,” said the mouse. “I don’t mind making friends with you. But not come out of the hole. I will stay inside and talk to you.”

Gradually, the crow and the mouse became best friends. The crow would bring a variety of things for the mouse to eat. Even the mouse would share his food with the crow.

Soon the mouse began to trust the crow. He would now come out of the hole, sit beside the crow, and talk to him for a long time.

Once, there was a famine in the region. The crow came to the mouse to bid him farewell. “My dear friend,” said the crow tearfully. “I do not get anything to eat here. I have decided to migrate to some other region.”

“Where do you plan to go?” asked the mouse.

The crow said, “To the south of this region, there is a forest. I will go there. My friend, the tortoise, lives in a lake in that forest.”

“Why don’t you take me with you?” asked the mouse, a little hesitantly.

The crow said. “How can that be possible? I am a bird and I fly high up in the sky. And you live on the ground.”

The mouse said, “I will ride on your back. But please take me with you.”

“That is a good idea,” said the crow. “Come, sit on my back.”

The mouse sat on the crow’s back. The crow began to fly in the sky. Soon they reached the lake in the forest. The crow flew down and perched in a tree near the lake. The mouse quickly scampered into the hollow of the tree. The crow went to the lake and cried, “O tortoise, please come out.”

The tortoise came out of the lake.

Both the friends embraced each other warmly. The crow then called the mouse and introduced him to the tortoise.

Suddenly, a deer came running there. He was breathing heavily. “Oh! Thank God!” he said gasping for breath. “I just managed to save myself from the hunter.”

The crow, the mouse, the tortoise and the deer became the best of friends. Every evening, they would meet on the banks of the lake and talk to one another and enjoy themselves.

One evening, the deer did not come there. The three friends waited for a long time, but there was no sign of the deer. Now they were worried about him.

The tortoise said to the crow. “You can fly fast in the sky. Go around the forest and find out what has happened to our friend, the deer.”

At once the crow soared into the sky to look for the deer. As he was flying around the forest, he spotted the deer caught un a hunter’s net.

The crow flew down to the deer. When the deer saw the crow, he began to cry. “My death is near. I think God that could see at least one of my dear friends before I die, “said the deer, weeping inconsolably.

The crow comforted the deer and said to him. “Don’t worry, friend. I will bring the mouse here. He will quickly cut the net and free you.”

The crow immediately flew back to the lake and told the mouse and the tortoise about the pitiable condition of the deer.

“Take me too the deer,” cried the mouse, impatiently.

The mouse sat on the crow’s back. The crow flew fast and took the mouse to the deer.

The deer was happy and relieved to see the mouse.

The mouse quickly began to cut the net with his sharp teeth.

Even the tortoise reached there after some time.

The mouse cut the net and set the deer free. Suddenly, the hunter arrived there. The crow flew away, the mouse scurried into a hole and the deer ran fast to save his life.

The hunter saw the deer running away. He was angry and disappointed. But suddenly, he noticed the tortoise. The hunter rushed forward and caught the tortoise. He then tied him up with rope, put him on his shoulder and walked away happily.

The crow, the mouse and the deer met, and together they began to think of a way to save the tortoise.

“Ah! I have an idea, “said the crow, excitedly. “The deer will lie on the banks of the lake. He will pretend to be dead. I will sit on his head and peck his forehead. When the hunter sees this, he will think that the deer is dead. So he will put the tortoise down on the ground and go to take the deer. Meanwhile, the mouse will cut the rope with which the tortoise is tied. The tortoise will quickly slide into the lake.”

The friends liked the idea and they decided to implement it at once.

As the hunter was walking out of the forest, he came to the lake.

And what did he see?

He saw the deer lying there dead! The crow was pecking his forehead!

The hunter was delighted. He said to himself, “This deer could free himself from my net. But at last, he is dead. Let me go and fetch him.”

Thinking thus, the hunter put the tortoise on the ground and went to bring the deer. As soon as he turned his back, the mouse rushed to the tortoise and began to cut the rope. The moment the rope was cut, the tortoise slid into the lake. The mouse also scampered into a hole.

Meanwhile, before the hunter could come near him, the deer got up, leapt to his feet and started running fast to save himself from the hunter. The crow, too, flew away.

When the hunter turned back, the tortoise had disappeared!

The crow, the mouse, the tortoise and the deer lived happily forever on the banks of the lake.

Moral of the Bedtime Story “Four Friends in Wild Forest”

  1. There is nothing precious like true friends in this world.
  2. Our mind is very strong. It can resolve any critical problem or situation.

Read Bedtime Stories (RBTS) believes that you have liked our free bedtime adventurous story “Four Friends in Wild Forest” having good moral teachings.

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