Father Anderson

RBTS (Readbedtimestory.com) brings here bedtime moral story for your kid named as “Father Anderson” for free. Read this story to your children, it is about God & selfless service.

Joseph Anderson was born into one of the richest families of Mississippi.

But, instead of leading a comfortable life, he chose to live a life of struggle and hardships. At the age of nineteen, he left home for the sake of his principles and values. He became a priest.

One night, he heard a divine voice, “I want a compassionate man who will volunteer to go to the Pacific Islands to fulfil a very challenging and hard task.” Joseph Anderson accepted the challenge and went to the Molokai Island.

The people there were suffering from terrible diseases. Anderson’s heart bled for the suffering people. He pledged to stay with them, cure them and serve them for the rest of his life.

The people of the Molokai Island were uneducated and ignorant. Anderson taught them to build their own houses. He also trained them in farming and constructing canals for irrigation. He taught them to love God and their Neighbour’s.

Some of the people on that island were suffering from leprosy while the others were suffering from some other unknown dreaded diseases. Anderson treated the lepers without any fear or hesitation. All the people revered him for his selfless service. They fondly called him ‘Father Anderson’.

One day, the people of the Molokai Island said to Father Anderson, “Father, we had been leading a hopeless and miserable life for many years until you came here. You brought love, hope and happiness back into our lives.”

Father Anderson served the lepers for ten years. But one day, unfortunately, he himself was afflicted with leprosy.

As soon as Father Anderson came to know that he was suffering from leprosy, he rushed to the church and started ringing the church bell. Hearing the bell ringing, all the people gathered in the church.

In a sorrowful voice, Father Anderson addressed the people. “My dear brothers, today, you are my brothers in the real sense of the term. Today, I am also a leper.”

The people were shocked to hear these words of Father Anderson. Tears began to roll down their cheeks. Gathering some courage, they said, “Father, please leave this island and go back to Mississippi. Your disease is still in its first stage and if you get proper treatment, we are sure, you will be completely cured. You have served us for ten long years. If you continue to live here, it will prove to be fatal to you.”

Father Anderson served the people till his last moments. He taught the people to be bold and face all the difficulties with courage and patience.

He had firm believe that God is present in every woman, men and children. He gave the people the message of love and humanity. Father Anderson suffered for four years before his death.

Moral of the Bedtime Story “Father Anderson”

  1. If you want to service god, just help the needy and the sick.
  2. The best way to live happily is to live for others.

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