Charlotte Flower Vase

This is a beautiful short bedtime story having good moral values named as “Charlotte Flower Vase” for your kids. Read this bedtime story to your children as a short moral story.

Once upon a time a cute girl named Charlotte lives in the city Aspen, Colorado. Charlotte was very fond of flower vases.

Charlotte’s love for flowers was fulfilled when her father gifted her a beautiful flower vase. She wasted no time and headed straight to her garden the next day, plucking roses, jasmines, marigolds, and a variety of other colorful flowers.

Charlotte arranged the flowers meticulously in her new vase and displayed it in her living room. The fragrance of the fresh flowers permeated the room and added a beautiful touch to her living space.

From that day on, charlotte made it a daily ritual to pick and arrange flowers in her vase, adding a touch of natural beauty to her home every day.

One afternoon, charlotte sat in her living room and played with her beloved pet cat. Suddenly, an unknown stranger entered the room, causing the cat to flee in terror.

In the process, the cat accidentally knocked over charlotte’s cherished flower vase, shattering it into numerous pieces.

Charlotte was enraged by her pet’s actions and picked up a stick, intending to hit the cat in her anger.

However, the cat was quick to escape and dashed out of the house, climbing up a tree in the garden to seek refuge.

The sight of the broken flower vase shattered charlotte’s heart and left her in despair, causing her to cry the whole day and refuse to eat.

Despite her parents’ attempts to console her, charlotte remained inconsolable until her mother intervened with an insightful message.

Charlotte’s mother took her to the mirror and asked her to look at her reflection, saying, “charlotte, look at your face. Do you see how you look?”

Upon seeing her face in the mirror, charlotte was taken aback and realized how her sadness had affected her appearance.

Charlotte’s face appeared unattractive due to her tears and anger, causing her to avert her gaze from the mirror in distress.

In tears, charlotte asked her mother, “Why do I look so unattractive in the mirror?”

Charlotte’s mother lovingly embraced her daughter and explained, “My dear child, your anger has made your face appear unappealing. But, more importantly, your soul also becomes tarnished when you become angry.”

These wise and compassionate words from her mother had a transformative effect on charlotte, helping her to see the importance of keeping one’s soul pure and avoiding negative emotions like anger.

The next morning, after a refreshing bath, charlotte looked at herself in the mirror and saw the fresh, beautiful face she was meant to have, realizing the importance of taking care of oneself during difficult times.

Moral of the Bedtime Story “Charlotte Flower Vase”

  1. Anger can destroy our body and soul, it can hurt anyone else as well.
  2. Taking care of yourself is a wise thing because if you are happy, you can make others too. hopes that you have read this bedtime story “Charlotte Flower Vase” to your toddlers to teach them the importance of taking care of yourself.

Kindly share your thoughts about this free online bedtime story “Charlotte Flower Vase” in the comment section. do tell your point of view about moral of this story.


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