A Donkey without Heart and Brain

We brought you here the best adventurous and wild bedtime story of a lion, a fox and a donkey named as “A Donkey without Heart and Brain” free for your kids. Read this adventurous bedtime story online to your toddlers to give them good moral value with wild adventure……

There was a very big forest named as Coconino Forest. there resided a big lion. A fox also lived with the lion. He was the lion’s servant. The lion would hunt animals and eat them. And the fox would get whatever was left of the prey.

One day, the lion was so badly wounded in a fight with an elephant that he could not walk. He could not hunt animals to feed himself and the fox.

The lion started to experience hunger. Even the fox did not get anything to eat.

The lion told to the fox. “You possess intelligence and slyness. Why don’t you trick an animal into coming here? I can then easily kill it with one blow.”

The fox began his search for an animal who was foolish enough to be the lion’s prey willingly. He wandered in the forest but could not find any foolish animal. Finally, he arrived at the outskirts of a village. He saw a weak-looking donkey grazing there.

The fox greeted the donkey and said, “I don’t see much grass here.

What are you grazing? Look at yourself. You appear so emaciated and feeble. Doesn’t your master give you any food to eat?”

The donkey said, “Now I cannot carry heavy loads. Therefore.

my master does not give me enough food to eat.”

“Then way don’t you come with me to the forest?” said the fox , rather excitedly. “The forest is full of lush green, soft grass.”

“But what about the dangerous wild animals in the forest?” asked the donkey.

The fox replied, “Ah! Don’t worry about those wild animals. Our ruler is the lion, who has dispatched me to you. You see, our king wishes to free all the animals who live in the villages from the tortures of man. Our king has decided that these animals should be given shelter in the forest.

They will be protected and looked after in the forest. And, he has decided to make you the Chief Minister.”

The donkey was surprised to hear these words.

It was such a tempting offer. At once he decided to go to the forest with the fox.

The fox took the donkey into the forest and presented him before the lion. The lion had been starving for many days and so he did not have the patience to wait till the donkey came near him.

The hungry and impatient lion rushed forward to pounce on the donkey.

The donkey was taken aback by the sudden attack. Alarmed, he ran fast to save his life. The lion could not catch the donkey.

The fox was angry. “There was no need to be so impatient to pounce on the donkey,” he said. “You should have waited for him to come closer to you.”

“Now I will again try to trick the donkey into coming here,” said the fox, as he was leaving.

The lion felt extreme disappointment. He sighed sadly. “The donkey has escaped to save his life,” thought the lion. “Will he be foolish enough to come back only to be killed?”

Meanwhile, the fox again went to the donkey. “Have you no brains?”

he said, pretending to be angry. “The lion, the king of the forest, got up to welcome you. But you got frightened and ran away from there. You exhibit great cowardice. How can we appoint you as the Chief Minister?

If the lion had intended to kill you, do you think you could have escaped safely from there? To what extent did you flee to preserve your existence? Had our king chased you, you would not have escaped alive.

It’s not too late. Come with me. I will convince the lion to appoint you as the Chief Minister.”

Once again, the fox succeeded in his efforts to trick the foolish donkey into coming to the forest.

The time, the lion did not lose patience. He waited till the donkey came closer to him. He then pounced on the donkey and killed him at once.

He then said to the fox, “Look after this prey. I will go to the river and have my bath.”

Saying this, the lion slowly limped towards the river.

The fox was ravenously famished. He was unable to delay any further.

After thinking for some time, he eat up the donkey’s heart and brain.

The lion had his bath and came back limping. When he sat to eat, he was surprised to find that the heart and the brain of the donkey were missing!

The lion was furious. He roared angrily and said to the fox. “Where is the donkey’s heart and brain?”

“Well, if the donkey had a heart and brain, do you think he would have again come here to die?” The fox spoke while grinning. “O master! This donkey was without a heart and brain!”

Moral of the Bedtime Story “A Donkey without Heart and Brain”

  1. Too much temptation is dangerous.
  2. Many People think about their own benefit only, even it comes from hurting someone.

RBTS (readbedtimestory.com) hopes that you have liked this adventurous bedtime story for your kid “A Donkey without Heart and Brain”. Tell this free online bed time story to your children at sleeping time.

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