A Blind and a Lame Man

Hello, we have showcased here our one of the best moral bedtime story for your kids named as “A Blind and a Lame Man” for free online. Read this story to your children as moral value bedtime story………….

The physical disability of lameness made it exceedingly difficult for a man to walk, causing significant challenges for him.

On one particular day, he decided to undertake a journey to a nearby village, only to be met with a strenuous path that was strewn with obstacles such as stones and potholes, making his journey even more challenging.

Despite the numerous obstacles, he persevered with immense effort, slowly but steadily inching closer to his intended destination.

While on his journey, he chanced upon a blind man seated by the side of the road, as he walked along.
The man with lameness approached the blind man and began a conversation with him, initiating an unexpected but fascinating interaction between two individuals with differing disabilities.

He said, “Friend, listen to me carefully. I have an idea which will help both of us.

I cannot walk and you cannot see. So, let me sit on your shoulders and I will show you the way so that you do not meet with any accident. This will solve our problems.”

The blind man liked the lame man’s idea. He let the lame man sit on his shoulders and started walking according to the directions given by lame man. Life became quite easy for them as they had solved each other’s difficulty.

Soon the lame man and the blind man became the best of friends.

One day, they were going down a road. As they continued their journey, the lame man’s attention was drawn to a small bundle resting under a tree.

He directed the blind man to take him to that bundle. When he opened it, he was surprised. “Oh! There are gold ornaments in this bundle!” he exclaimed.

“Give me that bundle of gold ornaments,” said the blind man. The lame man said, “Only I have the right to have this bundle.

If I decided to not tell you about it, could you have known about this?” “But if I had not carried you to this bundle, would you have been able to get it?” argued the blind man.

The green for the gold ornaments had thus created a rift between the two friends. Neither was ready to give up his claim. Just then, a wise man, who was passing by, saw the two friends quarrelling and went to them.

Carefully listening to both, he responded, “My friends, one of you has benefitted from the other’s eyes, and the other from his legs.” For this reason, you both have an equal right to these ornaments.”

“So stop arguing, for even after you receive your fair share of the gold, you’ll still depend on each other’s help.”

Realizing their mistake, both the lame and the blind man agreed.
They decided to split the gold ornaments equally and were the closest of friends for the rest of their days.

Moral of the Bedtime story “A Blind and a Lame Man”

  1. We can reduce our problems by helping each other.
  2. Greed always breaks our relationships. We should avoid it.

RBTS (Read Bedtime Story) hopes that you have liked our “A Blind and a Lame Man” moral bedtime story for free online. Tell this story to your toddlers at sleeping time.

Kindly share your views about the moral of this “A Blind and a Lame Man” bedtime story in the comment section.


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