The Blind Vulture’s Guest

Hello, we are presenting here best bedtime story with moral values for your kid named as “The Blind Vulture’s Guest”. You can read it online to toddler for free as bedtime moral story or as an adventurous thriller story.

There stood a big old tree on the banks of the Colorado River. In the hollow trunk of that tree, there lived a vulture. Some birds were also lived in that tree. Every morning, when these birds went in search of food, the vulture looked after their fledgling. and in return, the birds shared their food with him. In this way, the old vulture passed his days in peace.

One day, a big cat came to that tree. He looked around carefully. “When the birds go out in search of food, their fledglings are left behind in their nests,” thought the cat.

When the fledglings saw the cat, they began to twitter noisily. When the vulture heard their loud twitter, he said to himself, “The fledglings sound scared and so they are twittering loudly. I am sure some has come to eat them up.” “Who is it?” screamed the vulture loudly.

On seeing the vulture, the cat was frightened at first. But then he thought, “It is no use being scared. Right now, I must use my brains instead of brawn.” He then said to the vulture, “It’s me, The cat. I have come here as your guest.”

“Go away from here,” screamed the vulture. “If you don’t leave right now, I will hurt you.”

“Listen to me, please,” said the cat, pretending to plead. “After listening to my story, if you feel like hurting me, you can do so.”

“All right,” said the vulture, calming down a little. “Tell me, quickly.”

The cat said, “Every day, I bathe in the Colorado River. I overheard the birds saying that you possess a lot of knowledge about religion. Therefore, I have come here to enlighten myself in your company.”

The vulture said, “Cats love flesh. Besides, there are many fledglings in this tree. and so, I cannot trust you.”

The cat bowed to the vulture and said, “O learned vulture! I have spent my life piously. I am not attached to worldly things. I believe in non-violence. Why would I commit a sin by hurting the fledglings?”

The cat looked at the vulture, who was listing to him attentively. He then continued, saying, “When an animal eats the flesh of another animal. he enjoys himself. But the other animal dies a painful death. One can satisfy one’s hunger by eating fruits. Why should one resort to unnecessary violence and commit a sin for the sake of filling one’s stomach?”

The vulture was impressed by the cat’s noble thoughts. It was then that the cat also realized that the vulture was totally blind. The cat had already won the old vulture’s confidence.

Soon he began to live in the hollow trunk of the tree.

Every morning, when the birds went out in search of food, the cat would climb up the tree and catch some fledgling. He would then return to the hollow and eat up quietly.

All the birds were grief-stricken. Those who had their fledgling cried inconsolably.

The birds wondered, “Who hurts our fledglings every day? We must find out the culprit and punish him.”

Meanwhile, as soon as the cat got a chance, he fled from there.

As the birds were looking around for some clues to catch the culprit, they saw the bones and feathers of their fledglings in the hollow trunk of the tree.

“Oh! the vulture has been hurting and eating up our fledglings,” said the birds. “He has betrayed us, instead of looking after the fledglings, he has hurt them.”

All the birds at once attacked the vulture and pecked him with their beaks.

The old and blind vulture screamed for help. But no one came to his rescue. Writhing in pain, the poor vulture breathed his last.

Moral of the Bedtime Story “The Blind Vulture’s Guest”

  1. Bad people with bad intentions can come to you with very decent looks and talks.
  2. Trusting anyone quickly can harm you as well as your loved ones. knows that you like its free online bedtime stories. please share your thoughts about this moral bedtime story “The Blind Vulture’s Guest” in comment section.


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